Valentine’s Day may be over but February is Heart Month, a time to remember that heart disease is the leading cause of death in women and an opportunity to raise awareness about risk factors, prevalence, and prevention.
1 in 3 women will die from heart disease and stroke – making it more deadly than all cancers combined and every 100 seconds a woman in the United States has a heart attack.
Most heart disease and stroke deaths are preventable. Cardiovascular diseases continue to be a woman’s greatest health threat.
This is important to me because my best friend, my mama, is a heart disease patient. I’m so proud of her because despite all the odds stacked against her with several other health conditions to fight and the debilitating side effects of a severe case of C-19 that almost took her life, she is taking control of her health, her outlook and her life! Her joy, which comes from the Lord, is contagious. She radiates beauty coming from, of all places, her HEART ❤️
There are some uncontrollable factors that can increase the risk of heart disease in women, such as age, gender, race, and family history. Other risk factors include:
* Preeclampsia
* Diabetes during pregnancy (gestational diabetes)
* Tobacco use
* High blood pressure/hypertension
* High cholesterol or triglyceride levels
* Obesity
* Diabetes
* Lack of physical activity
* Stress
* Illicit drug use
* An autoimmune condition such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus
You can start to combat the statistics by:
❤️Listening to your body’s warnings
❤️Delegate to relieve stress
❤️Advocate for yourself in the doctor’s office and in every day life
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